Friday, January 28, 2011

Well then

That test was much different than I had expected. Things he didn't mention since October were all over that test. I blame nothing but my lack of experience with these types of classes. I did the best I could, and after speaking with other Americans, I feel I did just as well as any of them so hmph! It's a shame that unlike every single one of our other classmates, we did not grow up with EU stuff taught in our schools or shown on our news, but c'est la vie!

I also returned all of those bottles I've been hanging on to and had just enough money to buy a few chicken breasts, some bread, eggs, lunchmeat, speghetti sauce mix, and broccoli. I shall make it to February yet! haha

Now I gotta get back to my research paper. My friends have all left for Berlin, so I have no distractions for this lovely weekend, and I couldn't be happier! =]

Home in 16, leaving Freiburg in 15.
Here's my gorgeous city as of 4 minutes ago:

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