Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday= Funday

It is another abysmal 30 degree day outside, but I decided to conquer it nonetheless! I got $$ out of the bank (thank god for monthly money haha!) and headed to the gym for an hour and a half. And, I'm sorry to say, I don't think I'll ever stop being emotionally scarred by women's' locker rooms. I was visually assaulted by like, 4 naked women within 15 seconds of walking out of my shower. ooof :\

I then went SHOPPING like any decent 21 year old with money to burn. AND, to make Aunt Mary and Mama proud, I got four tops for less than 30 euro! They're mens button-up collared shirts, but they're XS so they're still form fitting. The benefit of men's tops? They're made sturdier. Fact.

On the way home I got a mini-döner (gotta eat 'em while I can!) and now I think I'll edit my paper and perhaps finish season 1 of How I Met Your Mother. =]

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