Monday, February 7, 2011

100th post?


Nothing monumental to say except that I'm nearly out of my hermiting obligations- my final final (US History) is tonight at 6pm. At 8pm I will be a free woman and an unbelievable weight will be off my shoulders! Freiburg has chosen to celebrate my last week by giving us 14 degree weather! (high 50s F)
I think tomorrow I will figure out how to get that slip of paper that says I'm leaving the state/country and start cracking on my chore list (exmatriculate with the school, sign out with my gym, sign out with my insurance, close my bank account etc etc).
Other than gorging on bakery goods and basking in the sun, I'm not sure how to say goodbye to Freiburg, but then again, maybe it's just that simple.

Oh! And I started packing today. The bag Ma&Pa sent me is so big, it fits all of my stuff (clothing, posters, nicknacks, pillow, shoes EVERYTHING) as well as my backpacking backpack from August. Crazy, eh?

It's 3pm. Gotta:
Study outside before my
Final at 6:00.
Movie by myself tonight?

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