Monday, December 6, 2010

Practically tropical!

Finally, after a two+ week cold snap, Freiburg is a balmy 36, with a high of 40! And by Wednesday, we should be in the high 40s! Wooo, lol.

Nothing really going on here. My weekend was fun and party-filled, which is rare, but it allowed me to meet new people, so I'll call it successful. It's pretty miserable outside (remember: my home is a construction zone, dass heisst- mud, gravel, small moats etc) so my friends and I have been burrowing. Last night I made them all Joe's Special and we hung out for an hour or so before they all disbanded for homework.

I got a postcard today from my friend Jacob! It has a funny map of Oregon printed on the front and I love it haha!

Anyway, I think I'll go cook something and read for history. I enjoy my lazy Mondays.

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