Monday, December 6, 2010


Cook together:
2 chicken breasts
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 an onion
2 Tbs butter

At the same time:
Boil 300 grams noodles
Prepare cheese sauce packet.
Cook/drain baby spinich
When sauce is finished, add a head of broccoli, cut up in small pieces.

Drain noodles, combine with broccoli/sauce mixture. Add chicken and spinach

Pour contents into an 8x11 pan. Add sliced almonds, any seasonings that tickle your fancy, cheese, and more cheese. Go wild and add bread crumbs if you're feeling sassy enough.

Boo yah-

(My apologies for the unclear instructions; I kind of just came up with this recipe as I was cooking, haha)

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