Good morning, everyone!
It is a fairly drab Saturday morning, the promise of rain lingers in the air. The best/scariest part of this week however isn't the rain- it's the wind! Never in my entire life have I experienced such winds! Ireland and France is experiencing it, too. I think we had 80 km/hr winds at some point a day or two ago! (50 m/h)
This is all good and fine during the day, but at night it just sounds like a zombie invasion is occurring outside my window, and as this is my first time living on the first floor of a house, I'm terrified, lol.
Yesterday was pretty solid. At my tram stop, I simply opened up my umbrella, and the wind picked me up and carried me the two miles to school. So much more convenient than the crowded trams! My EU class is proving to be much less structured than I need. Yesterday we were suppose to learn the institutions of the EU, and he talked about everything other than that, and then had us do an activity, where we made a chart of the EU institutions and discussed their rank in power, and what they did. One problem. He didn't go over it. I guess 50% of the class already knows what's going on, and maybe he forgot that the rest of us didn't have a clue. Meh.
After that, the wind blew Sage and I down to the post office where I "air mailed' 4 postcards. Keep your eyes open this week, Brett, Ma&Pa, Jacob, and AN&UB- they may land anywhere! ;)
Sage and I then went grocery shopping, and then I am pretty sure, all 4 Freiburgers left in town took naps. lol, I kid you not, we are a group of dedicated nappers.
I spent my evening hanging out with Tarlie, a classmate of mine from the EU class, and two of her friends. We made speghetti and attempted to watch a movie, but due to our indecisiveness, it never happened. It was a hilariously awkward evening, and I enjoyed myself immensely. Zum Glück I caught the last tram home, which was full of the BEST kind of people watching- the drunks, the girls scandelously dressed, the tired-from-a-day-of-work people, those who think they're going to get hook ups... ahhh a buffet for the people watchers... haha!
Today, I woke up homesick. I think I dreamed about Mama and Erin Fox or something, because I just woke up wanting to crawl down my Roseburg hallway and eat cereal with my Mom and stare out the window. Boo. Anyway, I have no plans during the day, but I'm sure my Brit and I will find something to do. Or perhaps I'll go on an adventure with Chris. Tonight, I'm hanging out with a real life German! Woo! haha, I'm not sure what we'll do, but es it mir egal, just hanging out with new people is enough to delight me.
Guess it's time to bake some rolls and make sandwiches for breakfast/lunch. How udderly Deutsch! :P
it's really really windy here too! I kinda like it :)