There are massive demonstrations going on right now against the use of nuclear power. I was watching a news segment showing this protest, and all I could really think was: "oh come one. Grow up, children." These were young adults and adults protesting, but it looked so childish, the things they were doing. I dunno. It seems these German leftists will protest anything and everything.
Also, MOVE OVER, POPE! Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy might be having a meeting/conference/talk down here in Freiburg. Not sure how to feel about this yet, since I'm not a huge fan of protesters, and Merkel isn't exactly the leftist's favorite person right now. We'll see...
Freiburg is a fair bit windier than Eugene, so overnight it went from Fall to Winter. All of the trees are now naked and awkward-looking, haha. Oh! And the concert I tried to go to last night failed. 17 euros for a concert? Nein, danke!
Anyway, stress.
There is no right answer for this...
One semester or two? That is the question at hand. If there weren't a two (plus!) month break between semesters, I think I'd be fine. However, there is, and there are still bills to be paid, so I can't really travel. I was talking to Mom about this on Skype the other day, and she said something that may be true for me: I may not be the traveling type. Sure, I know HOW to travel, and August was incredible, but I may be happiest in my small town in Oregon.
Without structure, I fall apart, as seen in August-September. I'm afraid I'll have a meltdown in March and then it'll be too late.
"It'll be a challenging, growing experience!" -- I totally get that. And I love thinking about July, having survived and thrived for 10 months in another culture, but it's the march-june that freaks me out.
If I come back in February/March, I feel like I will have let everyone down, and that people will think of me differently. (However, if my biggest weakness is acceptance from others, than I really need to block that idea out of my head.)
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