Friday was glorious and I woke up to a snow-covered StuSie (my housing complex). I finished packing, ate, went to class, and then headed to the train station with all the 6 of the other Freiburgers. Much to our dismay, we found out that we had a 4 hour journey ahead of us. However, with friends, Harry Potter and NPR on my iPod, and such a beautiful view, it was a pleasant journey. Seriously, I wish my camera could have caught the beauty that we passed- snow covered fields, barns, villages with one church and 50 houses total, frosty rivers that race the train, and of course: little kids throwing snowballs at us. Actually, that didn't just happen in the train, it also happened at a tiny little train station- a little 10 year old challenged the 7 20somethings, and guess what: he won. We officially called it when he caught us off guard, in a crowd, and he managed still to hit Cat right in the forehead, hahaha! That was ridiculously cute and painful at the same time (I still have no gloves). It was dark and below freezing when we arrived in Tübingen at 6:30. We waited for a bus to take us up the hill, but after 20 minutes, we realized no buses where coming. Matt called and said yes, we had to walk, and he'd be waiting for us at the top. UGH. So, Alison (aus Heidelberg) and I were badasses and started hoofing it, neither of us having remotely appropriate footwear. It was snowing harder the higher we got, and by the time we reached Matt, we were walking in 4 inches of snow.
Thanksgiving was held at a University-owned house, wherein a feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and pumpkin pie awaited us. It was so great seeing all my other OUS friends, and within half an hour, we had thawed enough to decide it was time to go back outside for an epic snowball fight. Somehow, Genevieve and I managed to get ambushed by about 6 other people, but we put up a good fight :]
After dinner, Matt took me back to his place, where we changed pants and socks and headed back out for the city. Thankfully buses were running at this time, and we took two to get to Ryland's house, where everybody else was. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out until 1am. MAN, IT WAS COLD, but gorgeous. I'll never forget trekking through an elementry school in like, 6-8 inches of snow. It definitely got out of hand there for a while, lol.
Alison and I slept on Matt's floor, and it was surprisingly okay. The next morning we got up and headed for the train station. Lucky for us again, buses and trains were running just as efficiently as ever. Two trains and three hours later we arrived in Heidelberg. After a quick trip to the grocery store, Alison and I swam through the tourists to her dorm, which, by the way, is badass. She has her own bathroom, mini kitchen (I stress mini) and one of her walls is almost entirely windows. I'm definitely jealous of her set up. We meandered through the Christmas market with Lizzy and Shannon, but seeing as it was below freezing and the sky was crystal clear, we headed back to Alison's place. We attempted to throw a party, but nobody came, so we ended up watching Anchorman and A Very Potter Musical instead. :]
Sunday morning we slept in, and went to her friend's house to have American Breakfast with a few Americans, an Aussie, a handful of Brits, and a French guy. Mmm... I miss our breakfasts.
From there I headed back to Freiburg, met Chris in Karlsruhe (on the way home), rode back with him, and we got to know an awesome German named Marit who studies Art History, but whose number we did not ask for. (Slapping forehead) It was cool talking to a German in german for over an hour.
It's still snowing today in Freiburg, but definitely not as much as Thursday night. Mostly it's just painfully cold. All I've done today is go on a really nice walk with Cat. We just pick a path and follow it, no plan, no route. It's cool how much more of Freiburg we've discovered on these walks.
Bad news of the weekend:
- The Ducks are #2 in the BCS poll (wtf?!)
- I lost my camera at Thanksgiving dinner. Possibly in the snow? I'm devastated.

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