Monday was my first day of classes. I spent the day cleaning my kitchen (stressed much? haha) and putzing around my dorm. The weather here is dreadful, so none of us go outside unless it's absolutely necessary. I left over an hour early, because like I said, I had no idea where this building was. Like any good Moody, I circled the building a few times and eventually asked for directions before being smirked at and pointed in the right direction.
Another important reason that one must show up early to the first day of class is the fact that you're not guaranteed a seat. Unlike the black-and-white strict registration system of the US, the German is surprisingly sloppy. There are between 3-5 ways of registering for a class, according to my director Anja. The most common one is simply showing up early, and fighting for a seat. Not my style; I save that for football season exclusively. =]
My class ended up being about 20 people strong, all freshman (ages 20-21) and all German. My teacher wreaks of Germanness; a total Frau, so to speak. All business. From her hairstyle, to her expressions, to her voice, to her shoes. Unfortunately, she spoke just as I feared: monotone and rapidly. Yikes! After the hour (classes are generally 2 hours), my brain was fried and my comprehension rate was sagging around 20%. It's crazy because in the US, you can drift away for a few seconds and be fine: "where did I lay that homework assignment from last week?" "I should go to bed early tonight." "Where are we? I'll look at the handout." NOT TRUE HERE. haha. Private thoughts are not allowed because if I drift away for 2 seconds, I'm lost for 2 minutes.
This class is a once-a-week, two hour discussion class. We read the assigned reading at home, and we come together to discuss. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so excited and scared for this challenge. We'll see how it goes! Also, funny fact: there's a discussion class for my discussion class. It's called "tutorium" and in this side class, I'll be taught how to read critically, how to write a paper etc etc.
I didn't sleep at all last night (that is what happens when one intentionally tries to change their sleeping habits from 3-12 to 11-8). So now it's 8am, I'm baking some rolls for my sandwhiches (no big deal) and google map'ing my class. Gotta meet Kaitie (aka Minnesota) at the tram station in 40 minutes. Better go shower :]
Dinner and some news
Two of my guys- Chris and Harley
Dining room/Kitchen
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