Monday, October 11, 2010


After dragging our butts out of bed at 6:30 in the morning, we packed up and headed to the Hauptbahnhof (but not until after we stole breakfast food for lunch later!), were there an hour early, and had no problems getting down here. We are now champs at sleeping in public transportation, so the ride went by quickly. When we got to München, I immediately got pulled over by a drunk german man who held my hand and sang to me. Why? Keine Ahnung; he thought I was from Texas? Oh Bayern...

Our hostel is okay, there's nothing special or horrible about it, but we all wish we were situated in a neighborhood, as opposed to busy industrial areas. I think we're all excited for the countryside of Füssen in a few days.

Last night consisted of climbing the tower in Sankt Peterskirche, getting gelatto in the Marienplatz, visitng the Viktualienmarkt, and getting horrendously lost trying to find the Hofbräuhaus, which we didn't even eat at because it was so busy. I won't even tell you what I did end up eating, lol.

Today we're heading to Dachau and then to the Olympiapark or the Englisher Garten. Weather's grey, it'll probably rain, but we're Oregonians, so es macht nichts!

Bis Später!

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