16.08.10, Füssen
Yesterday, Jacob, Tim, and I attempted a free walking tourof Europe, only to find ourselves bored with the Irish/Scottish tour guides. Westuck with them until they forced public humiliation upon us, and then we splitfor the English garden, just a few subway stops north. All I knew of theEnglish Garden was that it was huge, beautiful, and for some reason unknown tome, there was a large chinese-style tower somewhere in the middle. So! Wehopped the nearest U-Bahn and hoped for the best. We somehow ended up at thenorthmost end, where we immediately turned back into 10 year olds: climbing onplayground equipment, playing in the creek (which caused many germans to stareat us), and giggling in one of the many grassy fields. It was the cutest thingI'd seen so far: old couples walking hand-in-hand, a little boy being taughthow to ride his bike, a man playing the accordian, paddle boats scooting aboutin the lake. Mmm. The only thing missing was Jen, so we left to collect her,but unfortunately, the sun had gone away by the time we got her back to thepark. This time it was Jen, Jacob and I, and we decided we needed to visit thefamous beer garden for dinner. Once again, all we needed to do was to followthe "oom-pa-pa" music to the flock of half-drunk Germans. To my delight, therewas a fair number of germans wearing the traditional german garb. The foodthere is served cafeteria style, including the beer. Collectively, we ended upwith some Wurstchens, mashed potatoes, chicken wings (wtf?) and two big beers.I, Beth Moyer, former beer-hater, finished my first beer at this beer garden;there's even pictures to prove it! The rest of the night was spent at thehostel, watching the Little Rascals before going to bed. Haha, we enjoy livinglife in the fast lane.
Today we headed even deeper south into Bavaria to a smalltown named Füssen, which, as far as I can tell, has been around since the early1300s. It's sole reason for continuing to exist is to feed and entertainforeigners who are on their pilgrimage to the Neuschwanstein/Hohenschwangaucastles. From München, we took a decently small train with adorable HarryPotter-esque cabins to Büchloe, and from there we got in a tiny, slow-movingtrain to Füssen. We fell in love with Füssen before the train had even reacheda complete halt. Finally! We've escaped the city, and not a moment too soon; Ithink that if any of us had seen one more Häagen-Dazs advertisement, we mayhave kicked a small child. We've spent the evening wandering the city,exploring the area around the local castle, and eating dinner. Tim and I hadreally delicious German food at a hole-in-the-wall bar, and J&J had pizza...I think . Now we're just sitting around pondering if this tiny town has anysort of nightlife. If not... netflix?
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